Friday, February 11, 2011

a SMALL gluten free accomplishment

So, Sophie and I have been eating gluten free for a couple weeks now and I have only started the process of trying out new recipes. Ever since starting the GF diet, I have truly missed bread!! Everyday I look in the pantry, or make Brody a sandwich, and every time I'm tempted to eat a sandwich with regular bread. So, I decided that I would try out every recipe I had to in order to find a bread recipe that I REALLY enjoyed. Also, mind you, I have bought most of the frozen breads too, and I'm quite unsatisfied. So, I finally made a loaf of bread the other day, with a new recipe...and it turned out quite good! I am surprised at myself that I made anything at all, much less a loaf of bread from scratch! My search isn't over, but for's slowed down. I realized after I had sliced most of the bread, and put it in baggies to be frozen, that I hadn't taken a picture of this wonderful loaf of bread! So, here it is....yummmmm!

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