Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dance Recital

Well, we made it through Sophie's first year of dance! At first I didn't even think she liked it, but after seeing her at the recital I know she LOVES dance. I have even asked her if she'd want to try gymnastics in the fall, but she told me she wanted to do dance again. I think I will let her try out a gymnastics class this summer, just to make sure it's what she wants. Looking forward to having our Saturdays off now!

Her tap dance costume, I think it was some Hilary Duff song!

Her ballet dance to "somewhere over the rainbow"

This is the link to Sophie's tap dance she did for her recital.

This is the link for Sophie's ballet dance she did, excuse Nick, the cameraman....he had Brody on his lap so it's a bit shaky!

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