Friday, February 20, 2009

Just another hurdle to jump over

Well, for those of you who I haven't had the chance to talk to yet, there's news on our little Brody. I went for a growth scan this past Wed. just to make sure he's growing as he should be, especially since Sophie was small due to growth restriction. The measurements came out all perfect except for his abdomen, which is measuring small. So, long story short, I am being sent back to Mem. Her. Hosp. (where I got my 20 week growth scan done), so they can compare the numbers and put them on a growth chart to see if they are okay.

I have that appt. on Wednesday morning, and it can go 1 of 2 ways. One, they can look at the numbers and find that his abdomen has always measured small, and then they no longer worry about it....he's just small due to the fact that I have small babies. Or 2, they can find that his abdomen has never measured small, and the fact that it is now menas that he's heading towards being growth restricted. If they find that out, I'm not sure how long they'll let him stay in, because Dr.'s always induce to get the babies out because they can grow outside the womb better than inside obviously. We will pray for the first option, since I am only 29 weeks....and the next time I go to the Dr. I will be 31 weeks, and WAY too early in my book. Especially since I had Sophie at 34 weeks and she had major problems because of it, and still does to this day.

I am very thankful for family, as always, and especially now. They keep me sane, and don't ever worry about things, because they know I worry enough for the whole family! I will get an update after my appt. on Wed. hopefully.

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