Tuesday, February 17, 2009

test results...finally

Sorry this will be short, due to exhaustion on my part! Sophie's test results came back all negative basically, except for a slight allergy to milk. But the Dr. doesn't think it's enough of an allergy to cut it out, except that I told her I had cut milk out of her diet just to see what would happen, and she has been spitting up MUCH less. So, knowing that, she then said to try her on soy milk for 3-4 weeks to see if she stays the same or gets worse or what happens. After that 3-4 week period, if things don't get better then she suggested having a procedure done where a scope with a camera is put down Sophie to check out things on the inside. Specifically the lining to her esophogaus(spelling?) since she refluxes all day, that could be badly damaged. That being said, I will let everyone know if and when that is scheduled for. I'm not big on that procedure only because she will be put under, which has never happened to her before. But her GI Dr. will be the one actually doing the procedure, and I trust her big time....but that only makes me feel slightly better. I believe the other options are only more invasive, so she's going with the easiest to the hardest procedures. And to tell you the truth, if she has this done, depending on the results, we might be stopping at this procedure and just praying she outgrows her reflux. So, that's all for now!


Jessie said...

Upper endoscopy, right? On the bright side, it's a quick procedure so the anesthesia doesn't last long. When Lily had her upper endoscopy they also inserted the probe to do her 24-hour pH probe to see really how bad the reflux was, how often she was refluxing. That showed that it really was pretty bad, so we went ahead with the Nissen fundoplication. As scary as it was for her to have surgery, it was worth it for Lily. It was a really big, difficult decision though. I'll be thinking of you guys!

Trish said...

Gisele was put under when she had her tubes put in. Scary, but worth it.