Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Who says boys are easier??

I guess that title isn't totally correct....Brody has been a pretty easy baby the past few days. But before that, don't ask. He now smiles a lot at me, and is getting better with his floppy head. In the mornings I swear he has a whole conversation with himself, it's hilarious. After a few trips to see his pediatrician though we have pretty much concluded that he has silent acid reflux, which is all the same symptoms Sophie had, but without the projectile vomit...which is always better for our furniture. We will have a little more info. after Brody gets an upper GI on Friday afternoon, at Memorial Hermann Hospital in Katy. That is the non invasive procedure where he drinks the barium and they X-ray him to see if it comes back up. Painless procedure, but it's a sad reminder of how it all started with Sophie, about 20 months ago. I cringe when I think that we will be going through the same trial and error process with medicine, that we did with Sophie for such along time.

On a happier note though, Sophie had her appt. at Texas Children's and we have started weaning her off one of her two medications. So far so good! We also only have to go back once a year now, which is wonderful! I will not miss spending 3 hours in the waiting room at every visit!


Meredith said...

Awww! My sister's little boy has silent acid reflux too. He just screamed and screamed starting around week 3. They have him on Prevacit right now and are waiting to see a specialist in The Woodlands in September. I am so sorry for y'all!

Trish said...

I'm sorry it looks like you'll be going through the same battle all over again. :( Yay on the no-projectile-vomiting, though!

Lizzie Collum said...

So sorry, Lindsay. At least you know more of what to expect this time! You are a pro at it now!