Friday, August 14, 2009

Old familiar place

Well yesterday around 2pm Brody's pediatrician sent us to the old familiar, Texas Children's Hospital because Brody was dehydrated from not eating and vomiting since Sunday night. So, of course we spent a long time there, I mean a LONG time! We got there at 3:30 and left around 12:30. Texas Children's will never be accused of rushing through things. While we were there Brody got IV fluids, a couple bottles of Pedialyte, blood work done, and an ultrasound! All turned out fine, and they said we could leave but needed to follow up with his pediatrician if his vomiting kept persisting, since he quickly becomes dehydrated and then will be back at the hospital again. So, needless to say this is all very frustrating, because since all the test came back fine they are attributing all of this to his reflux, even though he has had reflux since birth but has never even spit up. I'm not sure what changed on Sunday night, but I guess we will be changing his meds and seeing if all of this mess stops!

1 comment:

Lizzie Collum said...

I'm so sorry, Lindsay! I know you have been through so much with Sophie and now Brody! We'll be praying for little Brody.