Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Baby Brody

Well, this will be a short blog, as my computer time is hard to come by now! For those of you who don't know, Brody arrived Monday April 27th at 8:32 AM. The labor was by no means hard, and MUCH easier than with Sophie. Thank you for all the prayers about me not having to have a C section, he definitely had no problem coming out all on his own, and wasted no time. Sophie has been great with him, and is such a little mommy these days....she walks around wrapping her baby dolls up in blankies and pats Brody on the back to burp him. I was hoping that transition would be okay for Sophie. As for Brody, I hope I don't jinx myself, but he is a very easy going baby. He sleeps VERY well at night, and just hangs out during the day. I wouldn't say he has much of a fussy time, and thankfully he doesn't appear to have acid reflux!!! He has spit up a few times, but it's a far cry from when Sophie use to spit up across the room! I want to thank all my wonderful friends who have been bringing food to us, what a HUGE help that is.....who knows what we'd be eating if it weren't for you guys. That has made the transition much easier as well. We are glad to have Brody home, now all I have to do is figure out how to juggle 2 kiddos at the same time. I have yet to get out of the house with both of them, not sure when that'll be. On another good note, Nick got a job offer...and maybe even 2 offers, we will know on Friday. So, that worry is off our backs, and thank you for all your prayers. Lastly, here are just a few pictures taken recently of our kiddos.
Snoozing as usual.....

Us at the hospital, Brody was 1 day old

Sophie giving Brody "sugars"....she does that A LOT!

Sophie on the slide at the park....she goes down all by herself these days.

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