Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nick's Job

I guess a quick update is in order, since only certain random people know now....but Nick got a job! Finally, I know it was only a month and a half.....but it seemed like an eternity. It's not really what he wants, but right now it'll do, and it's in sales so he can do that. He got offered a job at Honeywell, the alarm system sales company. His friend works there, so I think that's what got him the job. He starts on Monday, so I will be by myself with the 2 kids everyday starting then...which is a little scary. Nick also had an interview with a flooring company last week, but they won't be deciding on who to hire until the end of May. So, for now he is taking this Honeywell job, and if he gets the flooring job he will probably just sell alarm systems as a side job, since any extra money we can get is helpful! Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes from friends and family. Hopefully this turns out to be a good move for our family.


Trish said...

I'm so glad he got a job!! Let us know what you hear about the other company later this month.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Hopefully he'll eventually get into something he really enjoys. Love y'all!