Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Brody!!!

April 27th is when my little man turns a year old! It makes me a little sad even writing this because I feel like turning 1 is only the start of him no longer being a baby. Then comes 2, and they are definitely the opposite of an infant then! I looked back on pictures of when we first brough him home, and he was so scrawny and bald. It's hard to believe he will be a year old on Tuesday. Happy Birthday Brody.....things I love about my little man:
1. The way he cries, but not real tears, when he just wants to be picked up and snuggled.
2. The way he crawls over to me and just lays his head down on my lap.
3. How he plays with his hair when he's tired.
4. How he lights up when he learns something new.
5. When he follows Sophie around, just dying to play with her...he tries his fastest crawl to keep up with her!
6. His temper isn't always fun, but it is cute to see him slap his hands on the floor and throw his head back when he's frustrated.
7. How quickly he forgets things, and just moves on to find another toy
8. How happy he is when he accomplishes climbing up on something....he holds both of his arms up in the air like Rocky!
9. His cute hair...and how little there is of it!
10. How easy going he has been this first year of life.
Happy Birthday Bro-Bro, we love you!!!

Brody during his first week at home

Brody at a year old

1 comment:

Lizzie Collum said...

So is the first birthday making you want another one soon??!! Happy Birthday little guy!