Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Outside Fun

Since it's been sooo warm lately, we have started filling up the water table again! Last year Sophie was so little that she'd sit in it like a pool, so I had to explain to her that this year she was too big for that. It was Brody's first time playing with the table, and he splashed the water everywhere...just as he does in the bathtub! They both had a great time, and I can't wait for summer to be here so we can play in the water everyday.

The kids have also started their swim lessons. Well, Sophie is taking a refresher class from last year, and Brody is learning to swim altogether. I haven't gotten to take any pictures, since I am too busy keeping Brody out of the pool while Sophie does her lesson. I will get some soon though. Sophie loves it, of course, and is excited to get back to swimming. Brody is getting there, he still drinks a lot of water at every lesson but he's getting the "rolling over" motion down, so his teacher is impressed. 1 week down, 5 more to go...

Water table fun

He laughed at all the bugs at the bottom of the pool....he finds EVERYTHING funny!

1 comment:

Lizzie Collum said...

Fun! I need to get my water table out too. Thanks for reminding me! :) They are both so cute!