Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Little Climber

Lately Brody has spent his time trying to find things to climb on! No, he doesn't walk yet....but he loves to climb. I'd say his OT is working with him too much, luckily this month will probably be the last that she works with him. The hard part about him climbing is that he doesn't know how to get down, so he usually ends up face planting on the ground. Yes, that's why he always has bruises on his head....not because I beat him! Who could, after looking at that face???? This is his newest thing to climb on.....
Looking all innocent...

He just crawls across the whole thing...


Lizzie Collum said...

He's getting so big! Do I see a few curls there in that first picture?

Trish said...

He is such a cutie!