Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I will start at the end, and just say that I'm glad that procedure is over! Sophie's Dr. said that everything looked healthy, but that they did do 3 biopsies just to make sure things were okay. Those had to be sent out and will be back by this Friday (says TCH.....).

The procedure went okay, but that's about it! I went to wake her up this morning at 6 30AM(3 hours before she normally wakes up) and she had thrown up in her bed, so she woke up crying, and I almost cried along with her! So, after doing all the cleaning we headed to TCH. Not to my surprise, but to the nurses surprise, Sophie was a fighter...even at 8AM. I always laugh when people, usually nurses, underestimate her and how much of a punch she packs in that little body of hers. It can be deceiving! They struggled with EVERYTHING, including when Nick had to take her back and hold her down to get her to breathe into the mask. After she was finished, we got to go back and see her....which brought back horrible memories of the first time I got to see her in the NICU at birth. Just like back then, she had an IV, something in her throat, and monitoring wires everywhere! Once she started waking up, the crying started and never stopped until we got home.

That's why today has been quite a challenge, even more so since I am exhausted and very pregnant. So, we are supposed to just watch her to make sure she doesn't run a fever or get a swollen abdomen, and so far so good. She's peacefully catching up on her 3 missed hours of sleep as we speak. Thank you all for your prayers and reassuring words.


Lizzie Collum said...

I'm so glad it's over for you. Made me cry reading it and imagining what it must have been like for all of you!

Jessie said...

Anesthesia is rough on little kids... You guys are doing a great job taking care of Sophie through all of this. Advocating for your child about medical issues is difficult in so many ways. You're all in my prayers.