Monday, March 2, 2009

Swim lessons

I will start by saying sorry that I have no pictures to show for her first, not actually her first, swim lesson. From now on I will have my camera! Her swim lesson went very well today, especially since I practically handed her over to a stranger who then put her face in the water. But the class is only 15 minutes, and she was either underwater or floating on her back the whole time (Miss Kathleen isn't messing around)! I was most proud of her because she floated on her back all by herself for a long time, as if she'd done it before....when she never has. So, we are going back to swim everyday for 4 weeks, or until she's fully learned to swim on her own. Starting tomorrow though, we are going to have her swim back and forth between me and her it won't be long before I have a fish on my hands!

1 comment:

Lizzie Collum said...

That is pretty incredible! I can't wait to see her swim! How do I get Lexie into these classes??