Sunday, January 10, 2010

House on the market

Well, we have put our house on the has been on the market before, but it wasn't selling. So, this weekend was the first weekend it was on the market and I wasn't quite prepared for it! We kept getting call after call that people wanted to show the house, so the weekend was very good and bad. Last time we put the house on the market we just had Sophie, so it wasn't such a big deal to leave the house. With two kids, it's a different story! But hopefully it'll sell fast so that we don't have to keep doing this. It's messing up my schedule, and anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE my schedule!

On another note, cute.....but not for long, Sophie has been having a teenager attitude these days. I usually tell her things like "I need you to pick up your toys." Or, "I want you to put your shoes on." And to that, she proceeds to tell me "I NEED to not pick up my toys!" Or, "I DON'T want to put my shoes on!" So, that stage is great fun. Also, pretty soon we will be trying to potty train Sophie using this book I got from a friend who did it with her son, called "3 day potty training." I will let everyone know how it goes! Probably not one more thing I need to add to my plate, along with packing and moving, and still having a little one...that seems to be more and more mobile everyday. I hope to survive it all!


Trish said...

Good luck with the house! Do you know yet where you'd like to move?

Meredith said...

You are welcome to come by here if you need a place to go when your house is being shown, especially during the week. :-)