Sunday, February 7, 2010

Children's Museum

Brody's occupational therapist gave us 4 free tickets to the Children's Museum in December, so it was a great chance to take the kids. Good thing Nick was off for Christmas, because taking two kids to the Ch. Museum gets a little crazy, especially when you venture out of the "Tot Spot!" I always have had fun taking Sophie, ever since she was little, and this time we got to see how much Brody liked it too. Okay, so we sat him in front of a mirror, and he never moved from that spot! But I'm sure he must have been having fun then!

This would be where he sat for way over an hour!
Sophie loves that little house with a kitchen in it!

And the tunnel of course

Brody looking up at daddy...still sitting in the same spot!

1 comment:

Lizzie Collum said...

Brody really seems so grown up lately! I haven't been there since Lexie was really little (before Tripp). I need to go!