Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Potty Training

We decided to bite the bullet and get Sophie potty trained this past weekend. I followed a book, step by step, that a friend suggested (Sara Long); and it was wonderful! The weekend started off crazy because we had to stay in the house and not go anywhere, plus Sophie had to potty every 5 minutes! I felt like I had a stomach virus, having to run to the bathroom with her every 5 minutes. But each day got better, and now I swear she goes hours without having to go....sometimes I worry. Surprisingly enough, she even started waking up dry after the 2nd night of potty training. We are extremely proud of her, and it makes a world of difference when I only have to change 1 little one's diaper, instead of 2. I even decided, after talking to friends, that I would stash a little potty in the back of my car...for on the road stops. So...that leads me to:

Times I wish Sophie was still in diapers-

1. waiting in the drive thru line at Walgreens (in the rain/snow) and Sophie has to go potty, so we open the back and she sits on her potty...with the rain coming in, AND the person in line behind us staring. I just didn't make eye contact!

2. when we are driving down the grand parkway, in Katy, where there's no shoulder to pull over on, and even when you do exit...the lights are VERY long!

3. when Brody is screaming in the car, so the last thing I want to do is pull over to let her go potty

4. when Sophie has an accident on our favorite couch (that isn't scotch guarded yet!)

5. when I'm too busy wiping Sophie to empty her potty fast enough, so Brody (or Snoopy, the dog) decides it would be fun to play in!

6. when we're at the Dr. office (not the cleanest bathrooms) and Sophie has decided for the 3rd time in 5 minutes that she has to go potty

Ah, the joys of potty training! I'm glad we did it, but it does remind me that she's growing up to be a big girl....and sometimes that's sad.


Trish said...

#1 cracked me up!! What a picture. :) Gisele is potty-trained, too, and it's so nice!

Sara Long said...

GO SOPHIE!!! So glad it went as well for you as it did for us.

BlankenBlog said...

oh sounds fun! lol
Love picturing you guys at walgreens